There was a good, short article in the Wall Street Journal this morning that I wanted to post. The article is entitled, "Reasons for Optimism Shouldn't be Shunned." Investors are emotional and find reasons to support the emotions they're feeling, ranging from overly pessimistic to overly optimistic. After 2008 most investors have been focusing on the negative and ignoring the positive.
"Even though stocks are up nearly 50% since early March, worries about valuations, the dollar, inflation and corporate profits permeate market chatter -- chatter so loud you can barely hear all the good news." Click here to read the entire article:

"Even though stocks are up nearly 50% since early March, worries about valuations, the dollar, inflation and corporate profits permeate market chatter -- chatter so loud you can barely hear all the good news." Click here to read the entire article: