Chances are, there was a lot you didn't know about finances when you reached adulthood. Your ignorance may have cost you money in the form of an overdrawn checking account where the bank gleefully heaped on additional fees, or credit card debt at interest rates that would have qualified as criminal usury in the Middle Ages. You may have overextended yourself when buying a car, been mystified by the APR on your home mortgage, or you may be one of those unfortunate people who ran into a financial predator who sells high-commission investments, annuities or unnecessary life insurance coverage. You don't want your children to learn these lessons the hard way. What can you do to help them master the complexities of this mysterious thing we call "money?" The bad news is that you'll have to home-school this curriculum, since primary and secondary schools inexplicably don't teach basic money skills, and the only way your children will be taught about money...
Personal finance articles aimed to educate and sometimes entertain written by highly experienced Certified Financial Planner with deep expertise in integrating retirement, investment, and tax planning into a well-integrated retirement strategy. (This site is for educational purposes only. See disclaimer.)